Radio Advertising Reaches Over 91% of all Lane County Adults Every Week

Radio is an incredibly effective and efficient way to grow your business.

Eugene Area Radio Stations 2025 Scholarship
Applications Now Being Accepted

Cameron Reiten, KNND, Honored as Cottage Grove First Citizen

Stations to Reach Every Listener

Many Formats

There's a station for every taste — and every advertiser.

Media Groups

Reach more audiences with less effort, through Media Groups.

Stations for Everyone

Target your audience with pinpoint accuracy. View the full range of stations.

Local Businesses Succeed Using Radio

Eugene Radio Has Incredible Reach

There is a perception that “radio is a dying medium”, when the reality is exactly the opposite.


Reaches Everyone

Radio reaches 93% of the population over age 12 each week.


Daily Listening

Over 70% of Americans listen to radio each day.


Car Audience

Over 70% of people in cars listen to radio daily.


Preferred Audio

85% of audio listening in cars is terrestrial radio.